Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc.

Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc.
Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc.

Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc.


View More Sultry Salsa Photos at Other Events!

Latin Fridays @ Alhambra Palace with El Barón, Jed Walker
Alhambra Palace Restaurant
1240 W. Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
January 2, 2009

You will be my special VIP guest
for Salsa Fridays @ Alhambra Palace.
RSVP today to receive half off, BEFORE 11:00 PM, the regular admission of $10.00. YOU PAY ONLY $5.00 BEFORE 11:00 PM IF YOU ARE ON THE GUEST LIST.
To RSVP today,
simply reply to Latin Fridays VIP Guest List.
Please list the FULL NAME, first and last, of ALL the people attending, please.
Guest list requests are valid for the current Friday ONLY.
subject: Please put me on your special VIP guest list for Latin Fridays @ Alhambra Palace.

Rico Obsesión playing their best Salsa for us on
Latin Fridays at Alhambra Palace, January 2, 2009.

Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc.


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